Monday, November 17, 2014
Yugoslav agent (KOS) posing as journalist?
by Sasha Uzunov
The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) was paying close attention to a visiting Yugoslav "journalist" by the name of Zoran Pavlovic in 1976.
The ASIO report noted:
"Pavlovic has visited Australia previously...Pavlovic is a former Army man..."
Pavlovic, according to ASIO, lied in his visa application about being a journalist but was discovered to be a high ranking official in Novosti, the Yugoslav Communist newspaper in Belgrade, a subsidiary of Borba newspaper.
ASIO revealed that Pavlovic was a man of many talents: businessman, negotiator on behalf of the Yugoslav government, an official with the Serbian Matica (Emigres Institute), of which there where six from each of the then Yugoslav republics: Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina.
The Matica served as a parallel diplomatic service and was a training ground for diplomats and intelligence officers who monitored the various ethnic groups of Yugoslavia.
Reading between the lines he was probably an officer with KOS - Yugoslav Military Counter-Intelligence, which worked hand in hand with Yugoslav State Security, UDBa or SDB.
Pavlovic, according to ASIO, was in Australia this time to take over the local version of Novosti newspaper and place it under Yugoslav government control.
The 1976 ASIO documents
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
by Sasha Uzunov
In 1974 a Macedonian anti-Communist dissident Blagoja Sambevski, an opponent of Tito's Yugoslavia and Secretary of the emigre organisation DOOM (Movement for the Liberation and Unification of Macedonia), was found dead at the hotel he was working at as a night porter in Munich, West Germany.
The Yugoslav intelligence service (UDBa /SDB) was believed to be behind his death, however, German police has just revealed that his death was ruled to be of natural causes after an autopsy was conducted.
The official statement in German translated reads:
"Mr. Blagoje Sambevski was found dead on 01.08.1974, at 10:00 clock, at his workplace, a hotel in Munich, Schillerstrasse. 11 a.
"The body was autopsied on behalf of the Munich Public Prosecutor at the Institute of Legal Medicine Munich.
"Because his death was due to natural, disease-related, it was not recorded as a murder by the police nor the prosecutor.
"Bavarian State Police investigations in the context of Ex-Yugoslavia associated from the 1960s to the 1980s revealed there was no connection with the death of Mr Sambevski. There is also no current investigation into the death of Mr Sambevski.
If you have any evidence which could prove that killing of Mr Sambevski, please contact us at the Bavarian State Police."
Offical response from Detective Chief Inspector Herbert Linder, Bavarian State Police:
Sehr geehrter Herr Uzunov,
Meine Recherchen haben ergeben, dass Herr Blagoje Sambevski am 01.08.1974, gegen 10.00 Uhr, an seinem Arbeitsplatz, einem Hotel in München, Schillerstr. 11 a, tot aufgefunden wurde.
Der Leichnam wurde im Auftrag der Staatsanwaltschaft München I im Institut für Rechtsmedizin München obduziert. Aufgrund der dabei erhobenen Befunde wurde von einem natürlichen, krankheitsbedingten Ableben ausgegangen. Deshalb sind zu diesem Sterbefall weder bei der Polizei, noch bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Unterlagen archiviert.
Nach Auskunft des für die Ermittlungen im Zusammenhang mit Tötungsdelikten an Exiljugoslawen in den 1960er bis 1980er Jahren zuständigen Bayerischen Landeskriminalamtes liegen auch dort keine weiteren Erkenntnisse im Zusammenhang mit dem Tod von Herrn Sambevski vor. Es werden deshalb auch aktuell keine Ermittlungen zum Tod des Herrn Sambevski geführt.
Sollten Ihre Recherchen weitere Anhaltspunkte oder Beweise ergeben, die eine Tötung des Herrn Sambevski belegen könnten, wenden Sie sich bitte an das Bayerische Landeskriminalamt in 80636 München, Maillingerstr. 15.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Herbert Linder
Erster Kriminalhauptkommissar
Friday, August 29, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
William "Bill" Hartley (1930-2006) was an Australian hardcore ALP Victorian Socialist Left heavy hitter, who developed close links to the Arab world and was a supporter of the Palestinian cause. He was also tight with the Gadaffi regime of Libya (1969-2012).
According to a declassified Australian Security Intelligence (ASIO) file, Hartley placed a phone call on 15 March 1973 to the Yugoslav Consul General in Melbourne, Stanisa Cvetkovic, wanting to speak with him. Cvetkovic was on a plane flight to Canberra.
The receptionist disclosed Cvetkovic's whereabouts to Hartley; she asked Hartley not to reveal her indiscretion !
Hartley's call coincidently was a day before Attorney General Lionel Murphy's raid on the Melbourne ASIO heaquarters in 1973. link to further story
One of the key foreign policy objectives of Australia's Prime Minister Gough Whitlam (1972-75) was to develop links with Tito's Yugoslavia, who in turn had excellent relations via the Non-Aligned Nations Movement with Arab countries such as Libya and Iraq.
In 1975 Hartley together with Australia's Prime Minister Gough Whitlam and ALP National Secretary David Combe raised $500,000 election campaign funds from the Iraqi regime but the money never arrived--a middleman embezzled the cash ! see link for further story
According to a declassified Australian Security Intelligence (ASIO) file, Hartley placed a phone call on 15 March 1973 to the Yugoslav Consul General in Melbourne, Stanisa Cvetkovic, wanting to speak with him. Cvetkovic was on a plane flight to Canberra.
The receptionist disclosed Cvetkovic's whereabouts to Hartley; she asked Hartley not to reveal her indiscretion !
Hartley's call coincidently was a day before Attorney General Lionel Murphy's raid on the Melbourne ASIO heaquarters in 1973. link to further story
The raids on ASIO were conducted in light of the visit of the Yugoslav Prime Minister Djemal Bijedic on 20 March 1973.
Hartley during the phone call made a big song and dance about how he was close to the Yugoslav Embassy in Canberra, in particular the First Secretary.
Was Hartley tipped off by Murphy's office in advance? Was the Yugoslav Consulate General in Melbourne also aware of the raid before hand, which would explain Cvetkovic getting out of town and heading to the Yugoslav Embassy in Canberra? This can only be speculation, wild speculation at this point. Or there is an innocent explanation, in that prepartions were being conducted for the impending visit to Australia by Yugoslav Prime Minister Djemal Bijedic on 20 March 1973. (Bijedic is pictured below with Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam-on the right of photo).
Interestingly, another de-classified ASIO document, an intercept, reveals there was a phone call from a staff member from Senator Murphy's office wanting to speak with Franjo Rukavina, Cvetkovic's deputy at the Yugoslav Consulate General in Melbourne, on 19 April 1973, a month after the ASIO raids. The recepetionist would not give out Rukavina's private home number.
One of the key foreign policy objectives of Australia's Prime Minister Gough Whitlam (1972-75) was to develop links with Tito's Yugoslavia, who in turn had excellent relations via the Non-Aligned Nations Movement with Arab countries such as Libya and Iraq.
In 1975 Hartley together with Australia's Prime Minister Gough Whitlam and ALP National Secretary David Combe raised $500,000 election campaign funds from the Iraqi regime but the money never arrived--a middleman embezzled the cash ! see link for further story
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