Yugoslav agent (KOS) posing as journalist?
by Sasha Uzunov
The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) was paying close attention to a visiting Yugoslav "journalist" by the name of Zoran Pavlovic in 1976.
The ASIO report noted:
"Pavlovic has visited Australia previously...Pavlovic is a former Army man..."
Pavlovic, according to ASIO, lied in his visa application about being a journalist but was discovered to be a high ranking official in Novosti, the Yugoslav Communist newspaper in Belgrade, a subsidiary of Borba newspaper.

The Matica served as a parallel diplomatic service and was a training ground for diplomats and intelligence officers who monitored the various ethnic groups of Yugoslavia.
Reading between the lines he was probably an officer with KOS - Yugoslav Military Counter-Intelligence, which worked hand in hand with Yugoslav State Security, UDBa or SDB.
Pavlovic, according to ASIO, was in Australia this time to take over the local version of Novosti newspaper and place it under Yugoslav government control.
The 1976 ASIO documents